L'Institut est divisé en six régions; la région de la capitale nationale, l'Atlantique, le Québec, l'Ontario, les Prairies/Territoires du Nord-Ouest et la Colombie-Britannique/Yukon. Les régions sont ...
The NCR Chapter of the Retired Members Guild (RMG) is holding its 2024 Annual General Meeting. All members of the Guild are cordially invited.
Comprendre son régime de pension – HOOPP Aimeriez-vous en savoir plus sur votre Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP)? Vous savez que votre régime de pension est important, mais comprenez-vous ...
The movie will start at 10:30 AM and seats are not reserved. The theatre will open at 09:30 AM, please arrive early enough to get your tickets and select your seats before the movie starts.
In March, the leadership at CRA announced serious job cuts at the Agency. We understand these cuts may cause anxiety and stress. While the full impact of these cuts is not known, your AFS Executive is ...
au sein de l’Agence. Nous comprenons que ces suppressions peuvent être source d’anxiété et de stress. Bien que l’impact total de ces suppressions ne soit pas encore ...
I am honoured to have served the IT Group, its stewards and members during my tenure as President. I believe that in that time I have demonstrated my leadership and dedication to the interests of our ...
We are no longer able to offer free parking. On street parking in Moncton is free after 6:00PM. If you choose to park at the Crowne Plaza, the cost is $4 per hour, to be borne by the member. Please ...
I am a young professional living in Vancouver where I have been volunteering for PIPSC for the past 8 years. I was previously appointed to fulfill the remainder of a term on the IT National Executive ...
I am again asking for your support to elect me as member-at-large on the IT Group National Executive. I feel that I have contributed to the overall success of the Group and its Executive in its goal ...
Good day. My name is Tamara Critch, a regular member in good standing and I am honoured to announce that I am once again running Member-At-Large. Over the past three years, I’ve consistently stepped ...
It has been my pleasure and privilege to serve on the IT Group National Executive as a member at large for 5 terms. Over this time, I have taken on various responsibilities including the roles of ...