We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
Juntos Fazemos a Diferença A cantora Gaby Amarantos convidou o fotógrafo Bob Wolfenson para ir à Amazônia conhecer e retratar ...
The partnership between Vale and the Brazilian Gymnastics Confederation (CBG) provides support for the maintenance of 30 ...
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
A Vale Overseas Limited. uma subsidiária integral da Vale, informa o encerramento e o resultado final das ofertas de aquisição previamente comunicadas até um valor principal agregado máximo de Bonds ...
Vale Overseas Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Vale, announces the expiration and final results of the previously announced offers to purchase for cash up to a maximum aggregate principal amount ...
People are at the center of our decisions. We value individual talent and seek to be more diverse and inclusive, acting with respect and practicing open dialogue.
We extract ore and transport it through a a complete logistics chain, which includes railroads and ports. In our activity, we prioritize the safety of people and the environment, acting with respect, ...