أعلنت شركة بلتون للتأجير التمويلي والتخصيم، التابعة لـ شركة بلتون القابضة، عن تمويلها لإنشاء استاد الأهلي والمدينة الرياضية الخاصة به بالتعاون مع شركة القلعة الحمراء لإدارة المنشآت.
Malak cannot seem to get enough of Literature - so much so that she has pursued it in both her BA and MA, and the love affair is still going strong. Aside from her love for words, humans generally ...
By Malak Khaled Amina Khalil has just been announced as the brand ambassador for BMW only a couple of days ago, marking a major milestone in her career. But she’s not the only Egyptian celebrity ...