A small pile of piles next to a stack of money, by Kaboompics.com is licensed under Pexels License ...
Your most recent book, Misrepresentation in Silence in United States History Textbooks, demonstrates the distortion of history in American textbooks. What are the implications or effects of ...
Give Methods a Chance offers a unique multimedia introduction to research methods. This volume, which builds on podcast interviews available at TheSocietyPages.org, introduces readers to some of the ...
Lucas is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Toronto Mississauga and was formerly the Justice, Equity, and ...
In February 2024, the New York Times published a two-part series on the results of a survey of men who are fans of women’s soccer. The survey addressed how and why men became fans of women’s soccer, ...
Meet the folks who make the Cyborgology Blog happen. Crystal Abidin (@wishcrys) Dr Crystal Abidin is an anthropologist and ethnographer. She researches vernacular internet cultures and study young ...
Individuals and social groups have always been cyborgs because we have always existed in tandem with technology. Today, with the vast proliferation and diffusion of new technologies throughout society ...
Jordyn is a first year PhD student in the Sociology Department at the University of Minnesota. Her interests lie on the perpetuation of gender inequality across intersecting dimensions of culture, ...
This article by García-Albacete and Hoskins (2024) examines the effect of higher education on political self-efficacy. The article suggests that some teaching methods may widen the gender gap in ...