The UN Global Compact encourages you to create a culture of integrity across your business or organization, from strategy to operations. More than 20,000 participating companies and 3,800 non-business ...
To demonstrate their continued engagement with the UN Global Compact, non-business participants must submit a COE every two years. The COE discloses to stakeholders specific activities that a ...
Corruption is a considerable obstacle to economic and social development around the world. It has negative impacts on sustainable development and particularly affects poor communities. For companies, ...
Social sustainability is about identifying and managing business impacts, both positive and negative, on people. The quality of a company’s relationships and engagement with its stakeholders is ...
Many of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are hitting women disproportionately hard. Women are more likely than men to work in low-paying, insecure and informal jobs. Women also make up the ...
As the largest asset class in the global financial market, the bond market can play a significant role in catalyzing investments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With high investor ...
Promoting respect for labour rights is core to the work of the United Nations Global Compact. Respect for workers’ rights and compliance with labour standards are the foundation of decent work.
Why Reporting on the SDGs? We are at a key moment in the evolution of sustainability — transparency is fast becoming the new paradigm for conducting business. The UN Sustainable Development Goals ...
The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption through the active engagement of the corporate ...
A company’s entire supply chain can make a significant impact in promoting human rights, fair labour practices, environmental progress and anti-corruption policies. However, UN Global Compact ...
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted in a world where food insecurity and hunger present an enormous global challenge. The world’s population is expected to grow to nine billion by ...
While the UN Global Compact logo is for use by our initiative only, we encourage participants in good standing to use the Endorser "We Support" logo. It can be used, for example, on websites and ...