Most of us forget things every day, like people’s names or where we put our keys, but this is not necessarily a sign of dementia. In dementia, memory loss is more serious than forgetting things every ...
Have you got what it takes to be a Total Warrior? Accept the challenge and tackle up to 25 gruelling obstacles including FIRE, ICE and Mud from the choice of 4 distances: 12K, 6K, Ultra and Junior ...
Researchers investigate the links between number of menopause symptoms and changes people reported in their memory, thinking ...
A risk factor is something that influences our chances developing a disease. There are a mix of risk factors for Alzheimer’s, some that we cannot control like our age and genetics, and some that we ...
Join us at Cardiff University for a tour of a dementia research laboratory, where you will see research in action and find out more about the work your support makes possible. On the tour you and your ...
Join our Facebook challenge and knit every day in March for Alzheimer's Research. It could be for five minutes or five hours, crochet, sew or knit every day and aim to raise £150 for vital dementia ...