According to Isaacson, Jobs, a self-proclaimed Buddhist, began questioning the meaning of life and God in the past few months before his death. "I remember sitting in his backyard in his garden one ...
Bell details this search in a recent interview with The New Yorker, and discusses his invitation to Christians interested in a different kind of church, "one that can keep pace with the rising ...
|PIC1|Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) will celebrate its 90th anniversary at the annual revival this year. The revival will be held from November 1st through 7th every night at ...
It is not my intention to pick on Gibson here. Probably on any given day there are tens of thousands of similar outbursts made by warring couples. This one just happened to be caught on tape, that's ...
As a nation, we hold two very significant dates as public holidays. One is religious (Easter) and the other is national (Anzac Day). Easter has been celebrated with Good Friday and Easter Sunday ...
Perhaps the saying 'Behind every great man there is a great woman' should be expanded to 'Behind every great man there are two great women: his mother and his wife.' This is certainly true in the case ...
We live in a very individualistic society where it is socially acceptable to look after “number 1” first (yourself), and put others second, if at all. It is a very radical idea these days to ask one ...
Russell Hinds, Baptist minister extraordinare of 32 years who developed the strategy of constructing multi-purpose church buildings over a three-day period, was interviewed by the Australian ...
The saga of Mars Hill and its aftermath is continuing to generate division in the evangelical Christian community as sharp differences emerged in response to Mark Driscoll's decision to plant a new ...
The Manhattan megachurch pastor's message offered a practical example of how to preach Jesus and the gospel using the Old Testament – the theme for this year's Gospel Coalition national conference.
|PIC1|History may be in the making. It appears Rome is on the brink of welcoming close to half a million members of the Traditional Anglican Communion into membership of the Roman Catholic Church, ...
I recently wrote about an interesting church history anecdote: Saint Nicholas (Santa) punched Arius for advocating a heretical Christology. Since then, there is one overwhelming comment that I have ...