Clarivate operates the Web of Science platform, a database that tracks citations, authorship and contributions in ...
As Cochrane’s Data Scientist, you will work with our technology, product and publishing teams to leverage data in supporting ...
Stopping blood thinners before or during surgery for a CIED may result in little to no difference in undesirable outcomes such as blood clots or bleeding events when compared to taking them ...
Currently, there is no clear evidence to support the use of differential individual-level smoking cessation interventions for people from lower or higher SES groups, or that any one intervention would ...
Mike: Hello, I’m Mike Clarke podcast editor for the Cochrane Library. Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth has produced many reviews of interventions relevant to the organization and delivery of ...
Overall, our conclusion from this latest review update remains that there is high-certainty evidence that incentives improve smoking cessation rates at long-term follow-up in mixed population studies.
If you found this evidence helpful, please consider donating to Cochrane. We are a charity that produces accessible evidence to help people make health and care decisions.
翻譯者:孫儒平 (台北醫學大學藥學士;日本奈良先端科学技術大学院大学分子免疫制御研究室)【本翻譯計畫由臺北醫學大學考科藍臺灣研究中心(Cochrane Taiwan) 及東亞考科藍聯盟統籌執行。聯絡Email: [email protected]】 ...
我们发现极低质量证据表明,与安慰剂相比,缓释哌醋甲酯改善了ADHD症状(小到中度影响),这是根据受试者、研究人员和家庭成员等同伴报告的评级量表测量的。哌醋甲酯对“误工天数”或严重不良事件没有影响,对生活质量的影响较小,且增加了一些不良 ...
主要用于中度或重度湿疹时,强效和中效外用皮质类固醇可能比弱效外用皮质类固醇更有效;然而有不确定性证据支持极强效外用皮质类固醇更好。每天一次和每天两次(或更多)频繁使用强效局部皮质类固醇来治疗湿疹发作的效果相似,并且局部皮质类固醇 ...