The relationship between development and non-development expenditures at the state and union government levels from 1980 to 2020 is examined to see their impact on income disparity. Results show that ...
EPW consults referees from a database of 200+ academicians in different fields of the social sciences on papers that are ...
The decision of the Israel Supreme Court in the Movement for Quality Government delivered on 1 January 2024 bears wider comparative messages and also carries some salient takeaways for the Indian ...
The 5-digit unique identification for first stage units in the revisit data of the Periodic Labour Force Survey 2023–24 presents some serious issues. The same FSU number appears in two or more states, ...
The extant nationally determined contributions fall short of accomplishing the requisite mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, additional efforts need to be embraced to accelerate the ...
This paper ranks and compares Indian states based on their macroeconomic performance going beyond growth or per capita income. The dual objectives are to assess interstate convergence and to reaffirm ...
Friendship, Love and Loyalty in the Indian National Struggle by T C A Raghavan, New Delhi: Juggernaut Books, 2024; pp viii + 398, `799 (paperback).
In a certain sense, every time World Hindi Diwas is celebrated, not only does it evoke the idea of the monolingual identity of the Indian nation but also invents certain linguistic claims ...
Risks associated with high growth in the unsecured category of retail loans can be minimised with regulatory controls, studying socio-economic attributes of the borrower, and having some insights into ...
The author sincerely thanks P G Babu, Aditya Bhattacharjea, Prem Kumar, and Mohan Kumar for their feedback and valuable ...
In honour of the late Mr. Dhruba Narayan Ghosh — a superb civil servant, a distinguished corporate leader, an innovative banker, a builder of institutions, a natural leader, a scholar, a columnist and ...
EPW consults referees from a database of 200+ academicians in different fields of the social sciences on papers that are published in the Special Article and Notes sections. Click here for summary ...