Ma­jor world lead­ers are meet­ing for an AI sum­mit in Paris, where chal­leng­ing diplo­mat­ic talks are ex­pect­ed as tech ti­tans fight for dom­i­nance in the fast-mov­ing tech­nol­o­gy in­dus­try.
Ma­yaro MP Rush­ton Paray has crit­i­cised the gov­ern­ment’s han­dling of the evic­tion of squat­ters in Ram­jat­tan Trace, say­ing it lacked ma­tu­ri­ty and hu­man­i­ty.
Raphael Govia, T&T men's in­door hock­ey coach, is call­ing for more to be done for the sport lo­cal­ly if they are to make an im­pact on the in­ter­na­tion­al stage.
Akeil Coop­er played a cap­tain’s knock and scored an un­beat­en 99 to lead a spir­it­ed Pow­er­gen Sports to a de­cent first in­nings to­tal of 272 against a Queen’s Park team with world-class ...