Climate change and biodiversity loss are threatening the health of our planet and placing our own longevity in a precarious position. However, advances in technology are offering humanity and our home ...
明けましておめでとうございます。 以下の手順でX(旧Twitter)に投稿することで応募完了となります。 ① X(旧Twitter)上でファーウェイ・ジャパン公式アカウント(@HuaweiFactsJP)をフォロー キャンペーン終了後、厳正なる抽選の結果、当選された方にX(旧 ...
TECH4ALL是华为在数字包容领域的倡议和长期行动,承接公司的愿景与使命,助力实现联合国2030可持续发展目标的达成。 我们与合作伙伴们一起持续推进技术创新,共同建设一个更平等、可持续的数字世界。 华为ICT学院 华为ICT学院 华为ICT学院是华为公司主导的 ...
今天的华为,就像梅花,梅花飘香是因为她经历了严寒淬炼。我们面临的压力无疑是巨大的,但我们也有增长机会、有组合韧性、有差异化优势、有客户和伙伴的信任和敢于压强式投入。因此,我们有信心战胜艰难困苦,实现持续生存和发展。 轮值董事长 徐直 ...
Here at the Huawei Personal Data Management Request Portal, you can exercise you data privacy rights and contact Huawei entities and Huawei's Data Protection Officer with questions regarding the ...
Seeds for the Future program will be launched offline across 6 different regions. Students from the same region will gather in one country for a one-week training program, exchanging ideas with other ...
Fundado en 1987, Huawei es un proveedor líder mundial de infraestructuras de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y dispositivos inteligentes. Contamos con 207.000 empleados y ...
(Oct. 2023) HUAWEI xScene is a breakthrough personal video system that provides a widescreen-like experience to every car, airline, or train passenger. See what it provides and how it works in this ...
(Oct. 2023) Pangu weather is a breakthrough AI forecasting system that beats other systems in costs and speed. With extreme weather events becoming more frequent, it couldn't come at a better time.
Seeds for the Future is Huawei's flagship CSR program at the corporate level. By selecting young talents from around the world to participate in short-term trainings, global competitions and ongoing ...
Continuous innovation in computing power supply and breakthroughs in challenging resource constraints will become the main theme of data center development in the future The effective AI computing ...
Artificial intelligence is protecting the wild Atlantic salmon from being overwhelmed by its invasive Pacific cousin Norway is home to 1,190 fjords and boasts the world's second longest coastline as ...