Despite the profound impact climate change is already having on farmers and food production, governments have been slow to ...
In 2024, the planet’s average temperature climbed to more than 1.5 degrees Celsius  above pre-industrial levels for the first ...
OAK BROOK, IL - McDonald's Corporation today issued its first worldwide Social Responsibility Report. "Social responsibility is not a project or a program. Acting responsibly is the way McDonald's ...
Tariffs have been in the news a lot lately. This FAQ explains what tariffs are and how they can be used as a tool in trade ...
Several things are clear about the 2002 farm bill. First, neither recent budget considerations nor international commitments to WTO rules have constrained farm spending levels or policy instruments, ...
TOLEDO, Ohio, August 30, 2002 (ENS) - The city of Toledo must stop dumping raw sewage into nearby waterways, under a Clean Water Act settlement with federal and state officials. The Department of ...
Many chefs understand the benefits of buying directly from a local farmer. Local farmers are can provide a fresh tasting, high quality product with a longer shelf life. A chef that develops an ongoing ...
There was quite a commotion around St. James in Nebraska Territory. Word had come down from a Niobrara fur buyer that a war party of 10,000 Sioux was headed toward Cedar County, intent on destroying ...
Canada claimed victory in its softwood-lumber dispute with the United States after a key NAFTA panel ruling Wednesday, and the nation demanded quick repayment of billions of dollars in penalties ...
On 15th August it emerged that Bayer's new agricultural wing, Bayer CropScience (1), was responsible for the illegal planting of genetically modified (GM) oil seed rape (OSR) contaminated with an ...
"Historic evidence shows that Basmati is a distinctive cultivar developed by the farmers of India and Pakistan at least 250 years ago, and grown in many parts in these two countries ever since," says ...
As trees across the northern United States turn gold and crimson, scientists are debating exactly what those colors are for. The scientists do agree on one thing: the colors are for something. That ...