Unionized REI employees are determined to have a seat at the table of board directors at the beloved outdoor gear company.
The acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York and two top Justice Department officials in Washington, D.C., ...
KUOW wants to know what it's been like to drive a Tesla around the Seattle area during this time of sweeping and contentious ...
Can Washington state hold off harvesting older forests in the face of a projected $12 billion budget deficit without ...
Test your news knowledge with stories from this week. We've included links below if you want to learn more — or if you want ...
Cold temperatures continue to grip Western Washington, with wind chills as low as 10 to 20 degrees north of Seattle and all ...
President Trump is threatening to levy taxes on imports to match those other countries charge on U.S. exports.
A federal judge has ruled to continue for another week the freeze on the Trump administration's plan to put thousands of ...
The future for Washington drivers may include a pay-per-mile system. Some state lawmakers are seeking to offset declining gas ...
After going quiet on bird flu, CDC scientists have published a report on its spread among veterinarians. The findings suggest ...
Duo was fatally hit by a Tesla Cybertruck, the language-learning company announced this week. The snarky owl has been the ...
Several NATO allies stressed that Ukraine and Europe must not be cut out of any peace talks, as Defense Secretary Pete ...