NZCER will continue to provide and support the PATs, ensuring they remain an option for schools across the motu. We are also developing new assessments to support the current focal points in education ...
Early childhood education is a critical cultural and social space where children learn to live with and alongside others. Yet the education system in Aotearoa New Zealand is rarely responsive to queer ...
A critical component in the development of students' statistical thinking and reasoning is transnumerative thinking; that is, changing representations of data to engender an understanding of observed ...
A research project looking at Māori student participation and achievement in science and mathematics education examined four junior secondary school programmes that targeted Māori in these subject ...
There is a strong case for building inclusive relationships with families in order to support academic success for Pacific secondary students. In this article, I review literature which considers the ...
Pasifika students’ cultural knowledge and practices have long had low value in New Zealand schools. It has been argued that culturally responsive teaching practice is a priority for improving the ...
A lot of emphasis is currently placed on the need for principals to be instructional leaders or leaders of learning. In the study of the instructional leadership of secondary principals reported in ...
Working theories form an overarching learning outcome interdependent with learning dispositions in Te Whāriki. Working theories encompass children’s embodied, communicative, and social efforts to ...
One of the most obvious changes brought about by the curriculum reforms of the 1990s was the inclusion of technology as one of the seven areas of learning. The perceived impact of this 'new' area is ...
Recognising that assessment literacy is a complex construct comprised of knowledge, skills, and dispositions, the authors sought to better understand how teacher candidates develop assessment literacy ...
Assessment, much like learning, is interactive, social and contextual. New information and experience is understood and assimilated in relation to prior knowledge and experiences. While it is ...
Our purpose centres on whakatere tōmua / wayfinding. Whakatere tōmua is our mahi. Our purpose—through research, resources, and services—is to find ways for kaiako, ākonga, and whānau to have the best ...