Ill health and disabilities come in different forms which are often complex and inter-related. For this reason, health and care services have been brought together to provide holistic support. But ...
Across the country pioneering project teams have found out how public money is spent in their area and then looked in detail at how services could be improved at a lower cost. The new approach of ...
The Localism Bill redefines the relationship between central and local government and has implications for communities and the public and private organisations that serve them. Planning and ...
Public sector bodies have been asked to check out their accessibility to the public using a new checklist issued by the Minister for the Cabinet Office.The ‘Access Checklist’ is designed to help ...
Compares public and private hospitals to find out if ownership has any influence on efficiency. Looks at the Norwegian public system and the Californian private system, where there are similar states ...
Councillors who are not members of their authority’s ruling executive feel they have no say in decisions and they regret the passing of the old committee system, according to a study by the Local ...
The link between disability and poverty is well established. High levels of unemployment and unstable and low paid employment means disabled people are more likely to live below the poverty threshold ...
A new report on the social care system for older people is suggesting fairer funding arrangements and reforms to the benefits system. The proposals are published today by the King’s Fund, which ...
A ‘joined up’ debate has been launched across central and local government and the health service on the implications of the modernizing agenda for people who work in public services. The Cabinet ...
Health Minister Alan Milburn believes that restoring public confidence is the key to modernising the NHS and this involves empowerment of patients. He said: “It is the public’s health service. And it ...
Public Money and Management volume 22 No 4. Published by Blackwell. To purchase this article you may use Ingento Pay Per View ...
This new edition of Team Players and Teamwork incorporates 16 more years of research and major changes in technology and team styles since the first edition was published. Glenn Parker has included a ...