Nicola Sharkey, UK insights and research lead at Gleeds, advises on product costs for envelope and cladding materials ...
Create an object, installation, building or urban intervention that plays on the idea of scale, to create wonder, drama or even shock. Using SterlingOSB Zero as a material for transforming spatial ...
Almost a quarter of a century after Li Xinggang came to prominence as Herzog & de Meuron’s collaborator on the National ...
Satish Jassal Architects' new red-brick development of council homes in Haringey makes creative use of a difficult plot, and ...
Religious architecture shows that mass communications are not only a modern-day purview, and continues to provide spaces for ...
Design a template for a nursery in Sub-Saharan Africa, win your spot on a university estates framework, convert a remote historic school building for affordable housing - some of the latest ...
The Labour government's array of announcements on planning reform has been dizzying, but more ambitious action must follow if ...
At Gradel Quadrangles, New College, David Kohn Architects has created a rich, beguiling university site that rethinks the the ...
The scale of the city and the specific qualities of a neighbourhood have shaped the architects' first foray into commercial ...
Artificial Intelligence is one of the hottest discussion points in the architecture profession and there is, without doubt, a ...
Architect Nick Hayhurst’s North Sea East Wood transforms a 1980s bungalow in Cromer by opening up the floorplan and adding an ...