People think of chameleons as the masters of camouflage, but the coleoids – octopuses, squid and cuttlefish – are far ahead in terms of manipulating their appearance[1]. Because their skin appearance ...
Professor Janey Henderson studied at Aberdeen and Manchester Universities before gaining her PhD from Durham University, a CASE award with Rothamsted Experimental Station. Janey completed ...
It is always a pleasure to read about a scientist’s work in a book written for the non-specialist who may be interested in knowing more about a subject for a variety of reasons. It is no mean task to ...
The Science of Walking retraces the history of the growing interest in the physical act of walking - locomotion - in Western societies (particularly France, Germany, and Britain). Through the 19th ...
basket of figs so she can evade Caesar's humiliating triumph. As with everything about Cleopatra, the moment is also deeply erotic, "a lover's pinch", as two elements conjoin in a moment that combines ...
Organised by, Probiota unites the realms of microbiome science and business. Participate in dynamic sessions, engage in stimulating roundtable lunch discussions, hear the latest ...
The Higher Education Bioscience Teacher of the Year Award seeks to identify the UK’s leading bioscience higher education (HE) teachers, recognising the invaluable role they play in educating and ...
Today the RSB announces the launch of its new five-year strategy, from 2025-2030, and the unveiling of our new brand.
Some of the most important questions in biology relate to how we are formed and develop. For example, how is it that a single fertilised egg is able, in a relatively short space of time, to produce so ...
A successful career in a scientific lab environment needs leadership and management skills as well as research skills. To get the best from people, team leaders need to be able to form teams, provide ...
The Biology Education Research Group (BERG) was formed in 2010 with the aim of bringing together those with a strong interest and expertise in the field of education research in the biosciences. The ...
The Nancy Rothwell Award celebrates specimen drawing in schools and highlights the benefits of combining art and science. The 2021 winners were announced during Biology Week 2021.