Could you help us navigate uncharted waters of public policy? Policy and regulation have become increasingly unpredictable. The challenge of keeping ahead of change is great, and success is dependent ...
There are many factors which may determine what you can enjoy safely on any given day. However, the start of the season is a ...
The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a ...
Once again, we are delighted to announce that throughout October, RYA recognised training centres who have signed up to the Joining Point programme will enjoy double commission for every new RYA ...
Connected is a series of conferences and development workshops specifically designed for RYA clubs, class associations and other affiliates. This year our focus will be on creating a safe and ...
The British Keelboat Academy (BKA) gives competitive dinghy racers aged between 18-24 years-old the skills to move into the world of keelboat and yacht racing The aim of the BKA programme is to take ...
If you have never tried sailing before, welcome! You will find sailing a breath of fresh air, meet fantastic people and learn loads. Sailing is great for mind, body and soul. Be inspired, find out ...
Flag etiquette is a combination of law (what you must do) and maritime tradition (expectations of behaviour within the sea faring community). Being ill-informed of your obligations could lead you to ...
The RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (SRC) is the minimum qualification required to operate marine VHF radio equipment on a UK flagged vessel. It is obtained by successfully completing an SRC ...
Clubs are advised to ensure that they have both a Safeguarding Adults and Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy. These should be adopted by the club as a whole and all members should be made are ...
RYA powerboat courses are primarily for those using small powered craft such as RIBs, dories and sportsboats that don't generally undertake long or offshore passages. The types of commercial craft ...
EDI helps the RYA, and its members to flourish. It helps us all to continue progressing on our journey to being inclusive. People now have higher expectations when it comes to their engagement with ...