তিনি বলেন, 'বুকে ব্যাথা হওয়ায় তামিমকে সাভারের ফজিলাতুন্নেছা হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করা হয়েছে। ঢাকায় হাসপাতালে নেওয়ার জন্য চেষ্টা করা ...
২০২৪ সালে ছাত্র-নেতৃত্বাধীন জুলাই অভ্যুত্থানের গর্ভ থেকে জন্ম নেওয়া এবং ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে যাত্রা শুরু করা ...
Chairman Abdur Rahman Khan has stated there are many significant tax evasion cases in the country and action must be taken in these. "Instructions have been given to field-level officials in this ...
According to the United Nations, some 40,000 residents have been displaced since January 21, when the Israeli army launched an operation targeting Palestinian armed groups in the north of the territor ...
Police have recovered the body of a man in his 40s with a towel wrapped around his neck in the Sabujbagh area of the capital today (24 March).
The left-handed opener complained of chest discomfort while on the field against Shinepukur Cricket Club and was taken to Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Hospital for immediate medical attention.
The court also showed the former state minister arrested in two more cases filed with the Jatrabari Police Station ...
To handle the increased vehicle pressure at Paturia terminal, the northern side of the terminal will use the BRTC terminal ...
In Bangladesh, where informal businesses dominate the economy, operational inefficiencies have long hindered growth. Small retailers struggle against digital giants, logistics networks remain ...
He was rushed to a hospital near BKSP after he complained of chest pain during the match between Mohammedan Sporting Club and Shinepukur Cricket Club this morning (24 March).
This month the Liberal party said if elected, it would bar hundreds of thousands of government employees from working from home, except for exceptional circumstances ...