Police yesterday arrested a man in Gazipur's Kapasia upazila on the charge of raping a seven-year-old boy. The arrestee is Joy Chandra Das, 23, a Nasimon driver. The child's father filed the case with ...
A three-and-a-half-year-old girl was killed after she got entangled in the blades of a paddy-threshing machine at her house in Dinajpur’s Birganj upazila yesterday afternoon.
Former Jatiya Sangsad whip Iqbalur Rahim, also former Awami League lawmaker from Dinajpur-3, and 691 other AL men have been sued for allegedly attacking a procession brought out by BNP men in the ...
Studies have shown that people who enjoy solving mathematical problems have enhanced problem-solving and critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of the world. It also opens up an array of ...
Non-payment of players -- a very common problem throughout the history of the tournament -- doubled up on the intense rumours of spot-fixing, prevalent throughout the ongoing edition of the BPL, and ...
In an interview with The Daily Star, Mickey revisited Rangpur Riders' winning campaign in the recent Global Super League (GSL), how it helped transform the mentality of the likes of Soumya Sarkar, and ...
Residents of 16 villages in Phulbari upazila of Dinajpur have been suffering for the past eight years due to the incomplete construction of a bridge over the Chhoto Jamuna river.