Det er for tiden problemer med for noen brukere. Siden vil gi feilmeldingen "Tjenesten svarte ikke i tide ...
The course introduces basic programming in the Python programming language. The programming themes are illustrated in a series of mathematical examples. The mathematical themes are synchronized with ...
Hovedpraksis skal sikre at studenten gjennom 5 måneders klinisk praksis, tilegner seg kunnskap, ferdigheter og generell kompetanse i klinisk psykologisk arbeid. Arbeidsoppgavene skal være både av ...
Quantum Computing is the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and quantum physics which utilizes the phenomena of quantum mechanics to perform computations that classical computers cannot ...
This course addresses gender, violence and sexuality through presenting and discussing literature, analytical perspectives and empirical case studies on sexual violence. The course critically ...
The course deals with the solution of partial differential equations in computational mechanics like heat conduction, viscous flow, porous flow and elastic ...
Emnet gjennomføres som selvstudium på nett. Emnet er tilgjengelig i nettleseren på mobil, PC, eller nettbrett. Eksamen Som en integrert del av emnet gjennomføres en test som må bestås for å få emnet ...
This course will cover current topics in cognitive psychology, cognitive and clinical neuroscience, as well as issues relevant to science in general (e.g., publication bias, reproducibility). Unlike ...
Emnet fokuserer i hovedsak på klinisk nevropsykologi innen voksne populasjoner, men berører også spesifikke problemstillinger som omhandler barn, som for eksempel særlige hensyn ved nevropsykologisk ...
Evidence-based practice (EBP) in speech language pathology is the integration of the clinician’s expert opinion, scientific and clinical evidence, and the client or caregiver’s perspectives. In this ...
The current debates on blackfacing, Liam Neeson, and Black Lives Matter have taught us that racism still matters. For a long time seen as a phenomenon largely unique to Nazism and thus as an ...
This course aims to teach, during an excursion in a Nordic framework, the functioning of the climate system and its components through model and data analysis. The focus of the course is on the ...