Personal assessment is not a levy of tax. It is a form of relief if your income is chargeable to profits tax or property tax. Here you can learn about how and what deductions and allowances are ...
BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- China's policy to regulate cross-border data flows seeks to facilitate progress while ensuring data security, a move conducive to economic globalization, according to glo ...
BEIJING, Mar. 17 -- Recently, the 11th Chinese Peacekeeping Infantry Battalion to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan ...
A Chinese research team has developed an AI tool that predicts liver cancer recurrence risk with 82.2 percent accuracy, ...
新冠疫情后,部分患者出现持续性嗅觉障碍(OD)。为探究其原因,罗马托雷维格塔大学研究人员开展病例对照研究。结果发现,患者嗅裂存在免疫激活和上皮损伤。该研究为针对性治疗提供依据,助力改善患者症状。 在日常生活中,嗅觉起着重要作用,它不仅影响我们对美食的享受,还关乎生活的安全与社交体验。然而,嗅觉障碍(Olfactory Dysfunction,OD)却成了不少人的困扰。尤其是在新冠疫情爆发后,许多人 ...
But now it appears that dream is over after a serious injury to his Achilles tendon 跟腱 which means he could be out of action 无法参赛 for around six months. With this year's World Cup in South Africa only ...
▲ 新加坡眼,点击卡片关注,加星标,以防失联2025年2月5日,新加坡副总理兼贸工部长颜金勇在国会书面答复马西岭-油池集选区议员任梓铭有关美国新关税对新加坡外向型经济的影响问题。以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英文资料翻译整理:45 ...
Compliance assessment should be a necessary prerequisite of the introduction of new trade policies, the guidelines emphasize, requiring governments at all levels to assess proposed trade policies in ...
· 此批车型抵达标志着公司在开拓大众放量AIEV市场及推进Faraday X(FX)战略的最新进展。北京时间2025年3月20日(美国洛杉矶3月19日)——总部位于美国加州的全球共享智能电动出行生态公司Faraday Future ...