Council tax rates have been frozen or capped for much of the last two decades in Scotland, but this year the Scottish ...
A mural paying tribute to a Cheshire town's railway heritage has been unveiled. Making Crewe, created by street artist Akse ...
Oswestry Town Council has approved a motion to buy a CCTV camera to tackle what has been described as “the worst fly-tipping ...
A section of Rochdale Town Hall closed off for years will soon reopen. The council chamber was shut down - along with the ...
San Anselmo is making headway on public works projects as it nears the second year of a five-year capital improvement plan.
Padiham Town Council is appealing for local organisations to make a bid for money to help them in their work in the town.
The Clive City Council will fill a council seat through appointment after a member announced he is moving out of town.
Taunton Together is confirmed to be returning to town with a range of events planned to come to Taunton for the second time in two years.
Several residents went back and forth with Mayor Pat Burns and Mayor Pro Tem Casey McKeon at the end of the meeting at the ...
FORT KENT, Maine — Town officials continued discussion of how to deal with vacant, blighted and potentially dangerous ...
The Truckee Town Council has adopted a pair of resolutions objecting to cuts made at the federal level during their Tuesday ...
Romsey Town Council voted in favour of a motion to provide £5,000 to Hampshire County Council for a design feasibility study for a potential ...