A heat pump tumble dryer makes sense over a vented model especially when it comes as competitively priced as the Hoover H-Dry 350 ...
A fire service is warning people not to turn appliances on while they are unattended after it was called to a blaze in ...
The cost of running a tumble dryer depends on several things, including the type of dryer, energy efficiency of the model, load size and, of course, energy prices. As part of our extensive tumble ...
Popping the duvet cover in with a heavier item, such as a towel, can also stop balling. And dryer balls, wool or plastic are ...
THE emergency services attended a fire on top of a tumble dryer at an address in Winsford. Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service ...
Three fire crews dealt with a late night blaze involving a tumble dryer. The incident took place at Moors Bank, St Martin's, ...