EU member states will not be able to spend €150bn of new funding for defence on US weapons, as Brussels seeks to rapidly increase the continent’s security while also developing its domestic arms ...
在欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)周四(2月27日)访问新德里之前,欧盟一名高级官员表示,欧盟领导人将会敦促印度降低对汽车和 ...
欧洲科技行业组织在致函欧盟委员会主席 Ursula von der Leyen 的信中,督促欧盟领导人采用激进行动减少对外国数字基础设施的依赖。代表空客、Proton 和 OVHCloud 等欧洲公司的联盟警告,欧洲将失去数字创新,按目前速度,不到三年欧洲将完全依赖非欧洲计算。它们呼吁制定公共采购要求,鼓励使用欧洲技术解决方案,设立主权基础设施基金。
European Union (EU) leaders on Thursday greenlighted plans to enhance the bloc's defense capabilities and reaffirmed their ...
Il piano RearmEu, lanciato dalla presidente della Commissione Europea Ursula von der Leyen, rappresenta un tentativo ...
Ursula von der Leyen presenta il piano 'Rearm' per rafforzare la difesa dell'Ue, con un fondo comune e nuove strategie di investimento ma alcuni Stati membri temono un'eccessiva centralizzazione del p ...