Xbox announces its new "Copilot for Gaming" AI assistant, which will seek to help gamers in real-time with all manner of ...
「 点击上方"GameLook",订阅微信 」3月13日,微软宣布即将在其Xbox游戏平台全面部署AI工具Copilot for Gaming,并希望它成为玩家的个性化游戏体验伴侣,帮助减少玩家在游戏内任务遇到的阻力。XBOX原文地址:https:/ ...
Xbox计划通过Xbox Insider计划邀请玩家率先体验Copilot for Gaming,并提供反馈以帮助优化AI体验。这项功能将首先在移动端推出,并计划逐步扩展到更多设备。Xbox希望通过这种方式,让玩家能够更早地体验到AI带来的游戏变革。
Xbox has announced Copilot for Gaming, an AI assistant that can download games on request, provide tips, and much more.
Microsoft is preparing to launch an AI-powered Copilot for Gaming soon that will guide Xbox players through games and act as ...
近日,Xbox在游戏开发者大会(GDC)前夕宣布了一项令人振奋的消息:他们正在试验一款由AI驱动的游戏助手——Copilot for ...
微软正式发布了专为游戏玩家设计的AI助手“Copilot for ...
日前微软方面宣布,将把旗下AI助手Copilot引入Xbox游戏平台,打造专为游戏玩家设计的Copilot for Gaming。据了解,Copilot for ...
Busy gamers will soon have yet another way to ignore Copilot, as Microsoft's push for features and tools powered by ...
Copilot for Gaming can understand natural language commands and perform basic tasks such as installing games or looking up ...
Copilot for Gaming is an AI-powered tool for Xbox that can help you download games and then coach you through them.
This official Microsoft mock-up demonstrates how Copilot can be used for processes like picking up an old run through a game.