In an email to employees, the company’s chief executive said the company had become bloated during its growth in recent years ...
1,000 years ago, back in good old 1025, Egypt was busy with a slave rebellion in their capital, a man named William the Fat was discussed as a possible candidate to be King of Italy (he didn't get ...
Beatlemania swept across the United States after the Beatles touched down in New York City and America took its first steps toward putting a man on the moon. Average home sale price (in year sold ...
It’s right to say “no” to all that. It’s reasonable to make saying no to all that the first principle of our politics. It ...
Iggaak are often considered one of the earliest forms of protective eyewear in the world, dating back at least 1,200 years. Today, however, most Inuit wear contemporary sunglasses with polarized ...
At this time, South Africa was on the brink of fundamental change. From about 350 AD, Bantu-speaking, iron-using, livestock-owning farmers began to settle the Soutpansberg, south of the Limpopo River.
(WWSB) - Dozens packed into Sarasota Memorial Hospital’s auditorium Tuesday to celebrate ‘First 1,000 Days Suncoast’ serving the community for the past seven years. The Initiative was ...
Or that the first powerful state in South Africa was the Zulu kingdom? If you learned that any of these things were true, you are like most South Africans, who have missed out on at least a thousand ...
Well, I hope everybody enjoyed America’s last-ever Super Bowl. Come this time next year, I imagine the NFL’s signature event will be a thing of the past, replaced by something President Donald ...
Observed annually on February 8th, National Kite Flying Day is marked by kite flying enthusiasts across the country. The information contained in South Florida Reporter is for general information ...
Over the past thousand years, medical advancements have revolutionised our understanding of anatomy, diseases, and treatments. While there may not have been state-of-the-art recording studios, music ...