The Ford Focus is ending production in Europe this November. The departure follows the Fiesta and Mondeo as the company moves away from hatchbacks and sedans, much like in the US for Ford.
PLEASE wake up! No matter what cavern idiots tell you in the back of your mind, look at these stones and understand what they ...
Oldsmobile may have been dead for just over 20 years, but it played a crucial role in shaping American automotive history throughout the 20th century. Introducing countless examples of technical ...
翌年4月,张国焘逃出边区,在武汉投入国民党特务集团。4月18日,中共中央作出《关于开除张国焘党籍的决定》。 1949年3月23日 1949年3月23日,毛泽东率领中共中央机关离开西柏坡前往北平。党史网供图 毛泽东、刘少奇、朱德、周恩来、任弼时率领中共中央机关 ...