Microsoft will start testing changes to Windows 11 for Insiders in the Dev Channel. These tests will be in the 26200 builds. This could be the start of the groundwork for Windows 11 25H2, which is ...
It seems like Microsoft could be gearing up the Windows Insider Dev Channel to start development on the next big version of the operating system.
Microsoft started shipping more advanced 26200 series Windows 11 24H2 builds to Insiders on the Dev Channel yesterday.
Microsoft appears to be working on a new major update, but if you’re hoping for , I wouldn’t hold my breath. The company has ...
According to Windows Central’s Zac Bowden, who regularly shares rumors relating to what’s going on at Microsoft, those Dev ...
After Windows 11 24H2, the next OS release is expected to be Windows 11 25H2 and it will begin shipping in 2025 fall.
The latest Windows 11 preview build marks the start of a new range of builds intended to test underlying platform work for ...
Windows 11自发布以来,便以其流畅的用户界面和丰富的功能受到不同用户群体的欢迎。如今,随着即将推出的KB5053656更新,Windows 11的市场定位更加突出,展现了其在提升办公效率和智能搜索领域的决心和投入。根据最新的行业数据显示,微软在人工智能技术领域的研发投入持续上升,预计在2024年达到150亿美元。此种巨大的研发投入确保了Windows ...
微软最近向Windows Insider项目中的Release Preview频道成员发出了激动人心的消息,诚邀大家参与测试全新设计的KB5053656更新,这次更新专为Windows 11的24H2版本量身打造。装上一波新的“魔法”后,你的系统版本将瞬间飞升至Build 26100.3624!
Windows 11 AI+ PC 通过结合语义索引模型和传统词汇索引,显著提升了搜索体验。用户无需记住文件名或内容中的精确词汇,只需输入关键词即可在文件资源管理器、任务栏搜索或设置中找到所需内容。
If you've got Asphalt 8 (Airborne) installed, your PC was grounded as far as the 24H2 update was concerned - but now ...
The problem affected Asphalt 8 (Airborne), making it crash or become unresponsive during gameplay or when exiting.