Rise Robotics Superjammer robotic arm is setting its sights on taking a record that has remained uncontested for nearly a decade when the Fanuc M-2000iA bench-pressed 5,070 lb (2,300 kg). How?
Major bowel operations assisted by robots have "significantly improved outcomes for patients", a hospital trust said. Surgeons have been assisted in 100 operations at Ashford and St Peter's ...
Hong Kong, (ANTARA/PRNewswire)- Colebrook Bosson Saunders (CBS), the leader in workplace ergonomics, is announcing the newly relaunched Flo monitor arm for future-ready, ergonomic, modern workstations ...
Researchers in San Francisco developed a robot arm that receives signals from the brain to a computer, allowing a man who could not speak or move to interact with objects. The device, known as a ...
WASHINGTON — Textron Systems’s Ripsaw 3 has won the US Army’s latest Robotic Combat Vehicle competition, according to a trio of sources familiar with the program. The service isn’t ...
A line-tracking robot with a robotic arm for object manipulation using infrared sensors and a custom-designed robotic arm, all controlled by a Raspberry Pi Pico.
The first time the robotic arm obeyed his mind, the man could only watch in astonishment. A small cube, previously motionless on a table, was suddenly raised into the air, grasped by mechanical ...
Researchers at UC San Francisco have enabled a man who is paralyzed to control a robotic arm through a device that relays signals from his brain to a computer. He was able to grasp, move and drop ...
A PARALYSED man can pick up items and move objects once again thanks to a robotic arm controlled entirely with his mind. The groundbreaking technology worked for a record seven months with needing ...
Researchers at UC San Francisco have enabled a man who is paralyzed to control a robotic arm through a device that relays signals from his brain to a computer. He was able to grasp, move and drop ...
Researchers at UC San Francisco have enabled a man who is paralyzed to control a robotic arm that receives signals from his brain via a computer. He was able to grasp, move and drop objects just by ...
The gripper holds the workpiece securely in a pincer-like grip so that a robot arm handling system can then manoeuvre the workpiece to its desired destination. The prototype being exhibited at ...