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What's the best phone for video recording and streaming? Right now, that's a more difficult question to answer than it was a few years ago. For a long time, Apple led the way in this field. But more ...
Unlike high-definition video, there’s no single universal standard for hi-res audio. In 2014, the Digital Entertainment Group, Consumer Electronics Association and The Recording Academy, together with ...
It sounds like magic, but it's mostly Super Resolution and some accompanying technologies that rely on AI training and crafted algorithms. At its core, Super Resolution creates an image at a lower ...
If you’re a hardcore tech enthusiast or cinephile you’ll likely be at the very least curious about next generation 8K TVs. And if that’s the case and you’ve landed on this page, we have good and bad ...
Microsoft has recently introduced a new collection of desktop wallpapers to its website, offering a wide variety of wallpapers for download. The latest collection, ‘Fluid Textures,’ was designed by 3D ...
“Human rights defenders are key to conflict resolution. They are the messengers of dignity, justice and peace,” said Mr. Türk. However, despite their invaluable work, human rights defenders face ...
The series ships with Android 15 and Samsung’s latest One UI 7 out of the box. For users interested in personalizing their devices, Samsung has released several official wallpapers. The S25 and S25+ ...
My initial tests were certainly impressive. Running at a native 8K resolution with graphical settings set to 'Super Ultra' (surely a sign that developers MachineGames really had fun pushing its ...
The Sony X93L is another from Sony’s Bravia lineup. It offers a display powered by Mini-LED technology and comes in at 4K resolution. It has more smarts than you’ll find in many smart TVs ...