Raise the stakes! If you and your friends are competitive, raising the stakes for bets you place or games you play with each ...
Up to now, the summer is in full swing, many 16-year-olds are still not working. This means that you face the very real possibility you will not get one in all and it may be time for Plan B If you ...
Some older people in Zimbabwe are taking up exercise wherever they can find the space as non-communicable diseases such as diabetes become a growing problem across Africa. A group in Zimbabwe’s ...
The competitors can come in forms as different as a Chihuahua, a great Dane, a bulldog and a greyhound. Each one is a ...
In the late 1960s, one of the hippest places in Los Angeles was Venice, especially the area known simply as “The Canals.” ...
Have you ever been for a walk in one of Hutchinson’s city parks only to be greeted by a pile or two or more of dog waste? Disgusting, isn’t it? Although pet owners are required to ...
Most people that do, however, wouldn’t let their kids run down strangers and hit them nor would they allow them to pull down ...
Their first visit to the pet supply store to pick out a toy, and their very first bath! And there aren't many things cuter ...
Seniors who walk dogs have better balance and fewer falls. This is according to a reputable study reported on by McKnight’s.
From a man being rescued after sinking waist-deep in mud to an emotional reunion as an Army soldier returned home to surprise his wife, here are some of the videos you may have missed this week.
Beginning Wednesday night and going through Thursday morning, some people struggled to stay upright — while others did not ...
How are live owls, tattoo demos and meditation sessions related to art? These are just three ways that Seattle galleries are ...