Dance historians often note that George Balanchine adored women. Sure: so did Henry VIII. The Russian-American choreographer ...
A new study published in Human Brain Mapping has found that music which evokes nostalgia activates a unique network of brain regions tied to memory, self-reflection, and emotion. Researchers ...
Fully proving one theory over another is complex because the experience of emotions is so subjective to the individual. But ...
A new study finds that the brain processes artificial languages, such as Esperanto and Klingon, using the same neural network ...
The Secret History of America’s Role in the Ukraine War Part 1 Building Trust — and a Killing Machine Part 2 ‘When You Defeat Russia, We Will Make You Blue for Good’ Part 3 The Best-Laid ...
Your body may move to the music on the dance floor, but how does your brain function when listening to tunes while you work? A lot of people swear one way or another — electronic music may speed up ...
like abstract reasoning, were not affected. “There’s some evidence out there that retirement may be bad for cognition, because when you retire, you don’t challenge your brain as much ...
Music is a vibrational event that impinges upon the body and the brain. As such, it can induce bodily and psychological reactions that rely on innate dispositions and acquired mechanisms for coping ...