Your diet plays a bigger role in vaginal health than you think. Discover the foods that help prevent infections and those that make them worse.
Learn which foods contain magnesium and how to get more ... This type is made of magnesium bonded to citric acid. As mentioned, there are many types of magnesium supplements.
There is no single set eating plan for the anti-inflammatory diet. You can mix it up and tailor it to your family's tastes and needs. But there are certain guidelines to help you make healthy choices.
At its core, the diet is based on the belief that consuming more alkaline foods, such as leafy greens ... which claims to neutralise acid in the bloodstream and boost hydration.
"Choose whole foods, be less reliant on convenience foods. Plan ahead," Rissetto advised. "If you plan ahead, then you're not going to grab these quick things. Less is more — less ingredients ...