Causes: Acromegaly occurs when the pituitary gland, a small hormone-making structure in the brain, produces too much growth hormone for a long period of time. This hormone normally regulates the ...
2 Most will agree that these goals are probably achieved best by normalizing secretion of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and that the sequelae of acromegaly are serious ...
A woman in her 40s reported a two month history of her shoes and gloves becoming increasingly tight, headaches, blurred vision, and a tight sensation in her skin. She did not report any joint pain or ...
Growth hormone injections deliver a synthetic growth hormone to the body to treat hormone deficiencies and other health ...
Acromegaly is due to hypersecretion of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). The aim of treatment is to limit this excess secretion and to reduce morbidity and mortality.