Days after the film's trailer was unveiled in Chennai by Vetri Maran and Anurag Kashyap and subsequent criticism that ensued on social media, the film's actress Shanthi Priya took to social media ...
Riding recent momentum in the Duchenne muscular dystrophy space, Capricor Therapeutics, Wave Life Sciences, Regenxbio and ...
Meta’s new content moderation policies remove hate speech protections for marginalized communities in contravention of its ...
Because that's essentially what the House of Representatives wants to help attain with its upcoming inquiry on Internet ...
In a touching moment of gratitude, one young lady went to thank the rescue crews that saved her in Chesapeake.
Scientists have discovered a surprising mechanism by which the inherited genetic mutation known to cause Huntington's disease leads to the death of brain cells. The findings change the understanding ...
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have taken aim at Mark Zuckerberg following Meta’s latest move to scrap fact-checking on Facebook, Instagram and Threads.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have taken aim at Mark Zuckerberg following ... normalizing hate speech serves to silence speech and expression, not foster it,” the pair went on, calling it ...
In a game that rewards precision and accuracy, it’s best to turn off any outside factors that could throw off your aim. Sensitivity is largely down to personal preference, but I found that 180 ...
New products are also included with the aim to shift the portfolio towards the top tier. Camilla Corsi, Head of Crop Protection Research at Syngenta, said: “At Syngenta, we are accelerating the ...
Meaning: A very short sleep. A nap means to sleep for a short while. A cat nap is even shorter, and 40 winks is shorter still. Use it: As sailors had to be alert at all times the best they could ...