Alice Boyes, Ph.D. is the author of "The Anxiety Toolkit: Strategies for Fine-Tuning Your Mind and Moving Past Your Stuck Points" (Perigee, Penguin Random House).She writes the “In Practice ...
Alice Boyes, Ph.D. is author of The Anxiety Toolkit, and the The Healthy Mind Toolkit. She has had her research about couples published in leading international journals, including Journal of ...
An curved arrow pointing right. "The Anxiety Toolkit" author Dr. Alice Boyes told us the 3 apps she recommends for reducing anxiety. Produced by Alana Kakoyiannis. Camera by Jason Gaines.
Alice Boyes, Ph.D. is author of The Anxiety Toolkit, and the The Healthy Mind Toolkit. She has had her research about couples published in leading international journals, including Journal of ...