A MD's AM4 socket has completely changed motherboard and CPU compatibility. Enduring for a decade, it put to rest the idea ...
我的cpu5600,开启bpo超频,负压20,跑了30分钟压力测试,稳定68°,打游戏50多,不超过60°,比以前的两热管散热器好多了,跑压力测试的时候,有点噪音,机箱在桌下倒还好,不是很大声,打游戏没啥声音,转速也比较低。还算给力了,以前用360水 ...
For PC gamers seeking the ultimate edge, the processor is often the unsung hero behind smooth frame rates and immersive ...
近两年国内散热器市场“内卷”加剧,“卷”用料、“卷”设计和“卷”性能已经成为常态化,“299元”“399元”的360mm一体式水冷散热器在市场上很常见。特别是现如今在水冷散热器上流行搭载显示屏的产品也开始丰富起来,搭载2.4英寸、320×240分辨率 ...
AMD’s AM5 platform is cooking real hard with all the latest X3D processors crowned as the “best CPUs money can buy” in 2025. But on the other hand, demand for older existing products with great ...
回顾近几年的电脑散热市场,可以说是真的“卷”到了极致。性能、价格、外观、数显、屏显…各种花样,让消费者眼花缭乱。时至2025,当顶流的锐龙9 9000,以及被冷落的酷睿Ultra7乃至Ultra9 ...
That's the audience for the new Ryzen 9 9950X3D, a 16-core, Zen 5-based, $699 monster of a processor that AMD begins selling ...
AM系列微机保护测控装置集保护、测量、控制于体,适用于35kV及以下电压等的用户终端变电站(所),可实现用户变电站的保护和测控。 应用范围: 应用域覆盖电力、水利、交通、石油、化工、煤炭、冶金等行业。 技术要求:10kv变压器保护;电流输入5A;零序 ...
TechRadar outlines the differences between different motherboard sizes and their different features and functionality ...
Regardless of whether you're looking for boards with an AM5, AM4, LGA 1700 or the brand spanking new LGA 1851 socket, this guide covers all your bases for a great gaming PC build. If you want ...