This expansive forest stretches across several South American countries, breathing life into the very atmosphere we depend on ...
The Amazon by day is a place of plants, water, and silence. The overwhelming grandeur of the tropical rain forest lies in its subtlety. There are no herds of ungulates as on the Serengeti Plain ...
In Manaus, a sprawling city of more than 2 million, the depth of the Rio Negro, a major branch of the Amazon River, reached ...
The Amazon isn't as pristine as you might think. Turns out, humans have been changing its landscape for thousands of years. This suggests that some of the Amazon we know today was largely ...
"I Am the Nature" poetically plumbs the human interconnection with nature through the eyes of the Indigenous Achuar people.
New research suggests that the earliest dinosaurs may have originated in equatorial regions of Gondwana, encompassing the ...
Archaeologists have discovered a lost colonial city in the Amazon rainforest that dates back to the 18th century. The Portuguese settlement previously appeared on some maps but its exact location ...
Stretching across 2.6 million square miles and eight countries and filled with more than 3 million species of plants and animals, the Amazon rainforest is a wild and wonderful place. There are ...
Riverside forests help trees migrate between Amazon and Atlantic forests, shaping biodiversity over millions of years.
Forests flanking Brazil’s rivers act as “highways” that have allowed tree species to move between the Amazon and Atlantic rainforests for millions of years, new research shows.
Brazil’s INPE space research agency data showed deforestation soaring 29.5% to 9,762 square kilometers for the 12 months through July 2019 Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest rose to ...