US President Donald Trump on Monday announced that he'll impose 25-percent tariff on any nation that purchases oil and/or gas ...
2020年,全球曾将疫苗奉为终结新冠疫情的“科学盾牌”——据《柳叶刀》研究,仅COVID-19疫苗一项就避免了全球‌2000万人的死亡1。‌但四年后的今天,这面盾牌正被政治博弈与信任危机击出裂痕。当GAVI(全球疫苗与免疫联盟)——这个自成立以来已帮助78个中低收入国家‌超11亿儿童完成疫苗接种,并‌已成功避免‌1,880万例‌未来可能因可预防疾病导致的死亡的非营利组织2——如今,却在募资寒冬中挣 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Leonardo da Vinci was one of the earliest inventors to work on the concept of an artificial flipper to help swimmers. The American inventor Benjamin Franklin also made an early design from wood. 达芬奇是研 ...
北京市发改委和市场监管局发布了新的优化营商环境措施。其中,《2025年全面优化营商环境打造“北京服务”工作方案(征求意见稿)》推出了高达29条具体举措。官方称该方案的目标是“推动各区各部门实现非现场检查量占比达到50%以上”,也就是减少所谓的直接上门 ...
Amid recent market turbulence and growing policy uncertainty, the U.S. stock market has experienced significant volatility, with the Trump administration’s tariff policies emerging as a key focal poin ...
不少学者把美国总统特朗普 (Donald Trump,又译川普)与发动文化大革命 (简称文革或十年动乱)的中国已故领导人毛泽东相比,法国汉学家潘鸣啸 (Michel ...
周四,美国航空(American Airlines)的一架客机在丹佛机场起火,照片显示数十名撤离的乘客站在机翼上,手中仍拿着行李,这违反了飞行安全规则之一。空服员在飞行前的安全说明中明确表示,紧急状况时必须放弃手提行李,以确保快速撤离并提高生还率。
2月底美国移民局宣布, 将推出一个面向移民群体的“外国人登记要求”(Alien Registration Requirement), 这是为了响应今年川普回归白宫第一天签署的一项名为《Protecting the American People Against Invasion》的行政令,该行政令要求美国国土安全部DHS严格执行《移民与国籍法INA》第262条, ...
Australia's top diplomat urged a visiting American influencer on Thursday to "leave the baby wombat alone," after a video ...