On September 20, 2024, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. K. Stalin expressed his gratitude to John Marshall, the late British archaeologist who headed the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) when Daya Ram ...
Ancient DNA has revealed new insights into how sheep have been intertwined with human livelihoods for over 11,000 years.
Thieves have stolen a golden helmet considered a national treasure of Romania from a museum in the Netherlands Read Full ...
Pontic Greek, which closely resembles Ancient Greek still lives on today, in communities near Turkey's Black Sea coast.
Babel, whose original derivation from the Hebrew name for Babylon dates even further back to Akkadian—an extinct East Semitic ...
The American scholar Lawrence Keeley emphasised a “neo-Rousseauan” strain in archaeological thinking after World War II that ...
5."As a European: the amount of time spent in cars that Americans are okay with. For some people, it's literally more than three hours per day. I can't fathom how that's okay for some people.
Using vivid digital images generated through AI-based tools, the Indian epics, historic military battles and monumental tales of valour through the centuries were brought alive in a grand show in Pune ...
Geewananda Gunawardana, Ph.D. In his excellent article on “Poor-quality and counterfeit medicines and unnecessary drugs” (The ...
He simply couldn't comprehend the vast emptiness of it all." —benthom 4."Prescription drug ads." —fixit858 5."As a European: the amount of time spent in cars that Americans are okay with. For some ...