The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has added new words from various languages, acknowledging their common usage in English.
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has added several "untranslatable" words, including 'gigil,' a Tagalog term describing ...
The Oxford English Dictionary adds new words like 'gigil,' 'alamak,' 'kaya toast,' and 'videoke,' highlighting global ...
The Oxford English Dictionary added 42 new words borrowed from other languages, including gigil, a Tagalog expression for ...
Lacking a word for that sensation when something is so cute you just can't handle it? Missing that special term for the moron ...
Food names form the bulk of additions, but other notables include the Malay expression ‘alamak’ and a colloquial meaning for ...
In a new dictionary entry, an example sentence reads: "Amazing landing amidst heavy wind! Wah, so terror lah." ...
Another Philippine English entry includes ‘lumpia’, the name of any of various types of East and Southeast Asian spring rolls ...
Yoh' effortlessly conveys different emotions and was among a number of local terms recently added to the Oxford English ...
Taken from the Philippines' Tagalog language, gigil is a "feeling so intense that it gives us the irresistible urge to ...
The Oxford English Dictionary has recently added new and unique words to the English language!One such word is 'gigil' which ...
Words such as "alamak" and "nasi lemak" have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary in its latest update in March. The ...