The Space Launch System is the Most Powerful Rocket Ever Built (02:26) How a 'Non-Hazardous' NASA Mission Turned Deadly (04:04) How the Common Cold Affected the Crew of Apollo 7 (03:32 ...
Personnel within the Launch Control Center watch the Apollo 11 liftoff. The LCC is located 3.5 miles from the launch pad. The Saturn V rocket climbs into orbit.
CAPE KENNEDY, Fla., July 14, 1969 (UPI) -Launch crews, undismayed by an apparent Soviet gamble to upstage them, turned on Apollo 11's vital generators today and rolled toward Wednesday's start of ...
lift-off on Apollo 11… Tower cleared… She's lifting beautifully into the sky, a typically beautiful Saturn V launch. 16 July 1969. Apollo 11 took-off from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida ...
Apollo 11 Launch: Photographed (03:51) The Freedom Riders History (05:04) Civil War (Joan Baez), With Dance Performance By Djassi Johnson and Kevin Boseman (04:23) 3D Preview of Petra by Virtual ...