While the choice of music is as varied as the performers on the ice, each skater’s selection must capture the heart and soul ...
NITO endorsed the American Music Fairness Act that would make sure artists are paid fairly when songs are played on radio stations.
I love being able to bring Spiritualized and The Rolling Stones together; also, fresh releases from Nightmares on Wax, Moses ...
Also on Thursday, Daniel Higgs, the longtime singer of the Baltimore punk band Lungfish, plays a solo show at the quite cozy ...
SEMINOLE — The Sounds of Soul will perform at First Friday Seminole, set for Friday, April 4, 6 to 9 p.m., in front of Studio ...
The concert, a collaboration of Carroll College and the Helena Symphony, attracts roughly 16,000 people. It will start at ...
Music lovers in Nantwich treated to nostalgic performance by Nantwich Concert Band who staged a spectacular "Sounds of the ...
After a full decade living in the United States, singer-guitarist JJ Julius Son from the Icelandic rock band KALEO is still ...
7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St., Portland, $55-$125. porttix.com.
The modest exterior – simple siding, wooden railings, and an unflashy sign – belies the culinary powerhouse within. It’s the ...
On today’s music show on Arts24, Jennifer Ben Brahim chats with a pioneering superstar of classical soul. Alexis Ffrench has ...