Yet a portion of praise went to only Armenia, population 3 million, for something else. Following the country’s latest military defeat in 2023, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan not only offered ...
The two post-Soviet countries have fought a series of wars since the late 1980s when Nagorno-Karabakh, a region in Azerbaijan that had a mostly ethnic-Armenian population at the time, broke away ...
Russian peacekeepers completed a withdrawal last May from Karabakh, a region in Azerbaijan that had a mostly Armenian population and which Azeri forces recaptured in a lightning offensive in ...
The conflict reignited in September 2023, when a swift Azerbaijani military operation reestablished full control over Nagorno-Karabakh, prompting nearly the entire ethnic Armenian population to ...
Within the scope of authority defined by the Constitution, the National Assembly shall adopt laws, decisions, addresses and announcements. ("Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly" RA Law, ...
The conflict flared again in September 2023, when a lightning 24-hour assault saw Azerbaijan regain total control of Nagorno-Karabakh, prompting the region’s ethnic Armenian population to flee ...
and ethnic cleansing against the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh; 6. Is particularly concerned by the Azerbaijan’s decision to shut down UN agencies and the International Committee of ...
The resolution also demands sanctions be placed on Azerbaijani officials responsible for human rights violations and calls on the International Criminal Court to investigate the forced displacement ...