The Pokémon anime has been around for a very long time – almost 30 years. Its (former) protagonist, Ash Ketchum, has amassed quite a collection of Pokémon to travel with and call his partners during ...
Often cited as one of the world's most valuable media franchises, Pokémon is a household name that's been a Nintendo staple since the Game Boy. The beloved series is home to hundreds of amazing ...
Protagonist Ash Ketchum spots a Ho-Oh, but his Pokédex is unable to identify it. Rayquaza has the highest base Attack, Special Attack, and the highest total of all base stats, of any Dragon-type or ...
We hope this series is long enough to keep you occupied for months as you witness how Ash Ketchum makes his way to become the world’s best Pokemon trainer. And that concludes our article on how to ...
In 1999, The Pokemon Company hosted regional contests in Japan. Winners received a No. 1 Trainer Pokemon card which granted them access to the final that took place in a secret location.
Journey Together will include card’s from the Japanese Battle Partners set and will feature “Trainer’s Pokemon” cards, combining iconic Trainers and their companions as part of the set.
They also target almost every major muscle group, including your arms, core and legs, making them a good all-rounder. Discover the benefits of using a cross trainer, the features to look for, prices ...