Geologic map of the asteroid belt. Circles identify the asteroid families from which our meteorites originate and letters mark the corresponding meteorite type.
Where do meteorites of different type come from? In a review paper, astronomers trace the impact orbit of observed meteorite falls to several previously unidentified source regions in the asteroid ...
Interestingly, asteroid (20) Massalia, the parent of this family, is also an H chondrite type. Meteorites with less iron—called L and LL chondrites—mostly come from the inner asteroid belt.
Using a worldwide network of cameras and footage from citizen scientists, researchers traced dozens of meteorites back to specific asteroid families. Their findings reveal patterns in how different ...
March 18, 2025, Mountain View, CA -- Where do meteorites of different type come from? In a review paper in the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science, published online this week, astronomers trace ...
"The universe is filled with a range of three-body systems, including the closest stars to Earth, the Alpha Centauri star system, and we're finding that the Kuiper Belt may be no exception!" ...
A recent study models an alternate version of our solar system, one where an extra planet, rather than an asteroid belt, formed between Mars and Jupiter. Credit: Could a giant planet ...
Remember the potential "city killer" asteroid we were all freaking out about, 2024 YR4? Initially predicted with a small but unsettling chance of hitting our planet seven years from now ...
In late 2024, astronomers spotted asteroid 2024 YR4 on a trajectory that could potentially threaten Earth. This observation triggered a fervid series of observations of the object – possibly as big as ...
As concerns over Earth’s limited resources continue to grow, some entrepreneurs are eagerly looking beyond our planet to establish the next big business venture: asteroid mining. The prospect of ...
In late 2024, astronomers spotted asteroid 2024 YR4 on a trajectory that could potentially threaten Earth. This observation triggered a fervid series of observations of the object—possibly as ...