Greece, having emerged from the "dark" decade of economic crisis, now appears as one of the bright "beacons" of growth in Europe, with forecasts remaining optimistic for 2025.
BELGRADE, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) -- The Lajkovac-Valjevo motorway in Serbia, built by China's Shandong Hi-Speed Group, was officially inaugurated on Saturday, marking the full completion of the main route.
After the Chinese New Year holiday, a Laotian girl named Nanni (transliteration) returned from her hometown of Boten, a Laos-China border town, to resume work at a factory in Mohan, located in southwe ...
“新任商业和经济部长费萨尔·阿勒萨尼近日接受路透社专访时表示,卡塔尔正在推进一系列立法改革,包括破产法、公私合作伙伴关系法等三项新法规的制定,以期在2030年前累计吸引1000亿美元外商直接投资。卡塔尔正在酝酿一场深度的法制改革,新任商业和经济部长费 ...
2月5日是农历乙巳蛇年第一个工作日,省委、省政府召开全省高质量发展大会,围绕加快建设现代化产业体系深入交流研讨,进一步凝聚共识、汇聚力量,动员全省干部群众在新的一年齐心协力推进广东高质量发展、现代化建设。省委书记黄坤明在大会上发表讲话,强调要深入学习 ...
In March 2013, a 1.6-liter turbocharged midsized sedan called Qoros 3 debuted at the Geneva International Motor Show in Switzerland, grabbing the attention of a few reporters looking for something new ...