THE amount you’ll need to earn to buy a house in your area has been revealed. House prices remain inflated well above average ...
Surrey is also home to the area, outside London, with the biggest gap between the average wage and the amount needed to but a ...
That means someone wanting to buy the average home in Somerset would need an income of £56,400, assuming that they have the ...
New analysis has revealed how much people in the West Midlands need to be earning in order to afford the average home. The ...
Despite the fact the average UK salary sits at £37,430 per year, you’ll need to earn significantly more to be considered rich ...
Prospective homeowners in Plymouth need to earn almost £43,000 a year in order to be able to afford the average home. Homes ...
The average full-time salary in the UK was £37,856 a year in 2024. That’s £15,744 less than what’s required to buy the average home. The shortfall between the average salary needed to buy ...
The shortfall between the average salary needed to buy the average home in an area and the average salary of someone living in that area varies across the country ...