THE amount you’ll need to earn to buy a house in your area has been revealed. House prices remain inflated well above average ...
Surrey is also home to the area, outside London, with the biggest gap between the average wage and the amount needed to but a ...
There are now less than three weeks until many workers across London and the UK receive a boost in pay. National Minimum Wage ...
New analysis has revealed how much people in the West Midlands need to be earning in order to afford the average home. The ...
The shortfall between the average salary needed to buy the average home in an area and the average salary of someone living in that area varies across the country ...
The Mid and East Antrim area can be revealed as the most affordable place to buy a house in Northern Ireland, with an average ...
Given most mortgage companies require a deposit of at least 10%, it means the buyers would have needed a mortgage of up to ...
THE UK’S most expensive areas to own a car have been revealed – and it’s bad news for those in the East Midlands. Many of us ...
It's been dubbed 'awful April' by some commentators as the cost of living crisis continues to affect households ...